This week in class we worked with screencasting and Google Docs.  Both of these methods can be extremely helpful in the classroom.  Google Docs allows you to create text documents, presentations, and tests for your students to view online.  Below are examples of classroom materials I was able to create with Google Docs.

The first support material created is Google Docs version of a PowerPoint.  This is just a small sample of what can be done with the program, but if posted on Google Docs, or any website, students are able to view the presentation I create.  You are welcome to click through simple presentation created.
Another great aspect of Google Docs is the ability to create tests that your students can take online.  Go ahead and try mine!  This is just a simple test I created as a pre assessment for an American Revolution unit.  When anyone takes this test (even right here on my website), the results are sent to my Google Docs account.  I can see everyones responses in a simple, spreadsheet form.  This is a very effective resource to use in the classroom.
Below is a great tool for ANY classroom.  This website,, allows you to create your own "screencast" for the classroom.  With this, you can create a screen capture recording, with your voice recorded while you search the internet!  It is good for giving tutorials for how to work certain computer programs or websites, especially when you can not be there.  Also, this can be posted online so students can always go back and watch your screencast, and touch up on previous classes.  Below is a short tutorial on how to use Instagrok.
Creating a personal learning network in your classroom is very useful, but also a lot of fun.  I am a huge believer that students learn best when they are enjoying their work and having fun in the class room.  Students in today's world are linked to many different social networks, and are often more tech savvy than their educators and parents.  While social networking in the schools normally is frowned upon, Twitter and other programs such as Skype and Google Plus Hangouts can be used for many educational purposes.

Personally, I use Twitter every day.  I learn more about current events and issues from Twitter than any other resource.  If students are utilizing Twitter correctly, and are connecting themselves to the right people, it can be a very useful page to use.  On the other hand, video conferencing tools such as Skype is something I am not very familiar with.  As a teacher, using Skype and video conferencing software in the classroom can help do so many things.  Guest speakers no longer have to take time out of their busy day to come all the way to the classroom.  The fact that someone can communicate to your classroom via Skype will open the possibilities for guest speakers tremendously. 


Today the class will deal with searches, digital content and Diigo.

There are so many tools on the internet for students and educators to use, that the abundance of resources can be overwhelming.  While many only know the simple search tactics of Google and other search engines, there are so many more tools available, and so many interesting things you can do with these search engines.

Did you know that you can differentiate the reading level of a Google search?  This information was very surprising to me, as I had no ideas this could be done.  It can simply be done by going to "Advanced Search" on the right hand side, and setting your reading level options.  Another tool that I found useful that Google offers is Google Scholar, a website of scholarly material and resources for higher level research. 

For educators, the number tools and search engines available on the internet are remarkable.  One search engine that teachers should check out is  Instagrok is a visual friendly search engine that allows you to type in the term you would like to research, and spawns off information and terms related (as seen below).  From there you can click on the terms and topics to get more information, "pin" the items, and keep a journal. 

The website for this class will be

Technology has become a key learning tool in many classrooms in the world over the last several decades.  In the modern world, there are so many technological applications that teachers can use to effectively instruct students.  Not only is technology useful and fun, but it is important in every day life.  Making students familiar with technology can have many real life implications, and lead to successful careers.

Student learn more when they are having fun.  By using Youtube, Prezi presentations, Imovie, and other useful applications, teachers can create a fun, efficient learning environment for students.  The days boring, monotone lecture are in the past.  Teachers should avoid a classroom like the video below....


    My name is Wayne Nieman.  I will be teaching AYA Social Studies.


    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012


    Personal Learning Networks