The website for this class will be learningfortoday.weebly.com

Technology has become a key learning tool in many classrooms in the world over the last several decades.  In the modern world, there are so many technological applications that teachers can use to effectively instruct students.  Not only is technology useful and fun, but it is important in every day life.  Making students familiar with technology can have many real life implications, and lead to successful careers.

Student learn more when they are having fun.  By using Youtube, Prezi presentations, Imovie, and other useful applications, teachers can create a fun, efficient learning environment for students.  The days boring, monotone lecture are in the past.  Teachers should avoid a classroom like the video below....

9/15/2012 12:59:15 am

Good job creating your blog!


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    My name is Wayne Nieman.  I will be teaching AYA Social Studies.


    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012


    Personal Learning Networks