
Today the class will deal with searches, digital content and Diigo.

There are so many tools on the internet for students and educators to use, that the abundance of resources can be overwhelming.  While many only know the simple search tactics of Google and other search engines, there are so many more tools available, and so many interesting things you can do with these search engines.

Did you know that you can differentiate the reading level of a Google search?  This information was very surprising to me, as I had no ideas this could be done.  It can simply be done by going to "Advanced Search" on the right hand side, and setting your reading level options.  Another tool that I found useful that Google offers is Google Scholar, a website of scholarly material and resources for higher level research. 

For educators, the number tools and search engines available on the internet are remarkable.  One search engine that teachers should check out is Instagrok.com.  Instagrok is a visual friendly search engine that allows you to type in the term you would like to research, and spawns off information and terms related (as seen below).  From there you can click on the terms and topics to get more information, "pin" the items, and keep a journal. 

9/22/2012 12:59:22 am

This was a very good post. It really seems like you learned a lot during this class and that you are going to use these resources when you begin teaching.


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    My name is Wayne Nieman.  I will be teaching AYA Social Studies.


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