I have created a Wiki for this class.  The Wiki was created to teach a lesson on labor unions and wage rates for an economics class.  Check it out by clicking HERE!

The Wiki is a reflection of the material I have been teaching during my student teaching experience.  Although I did not teach this lesson exactly (these technologies were not used), I did teach all of this material and content.  I modified the lesson I taught to implement more technology.  My school is very limited in technology, therefore this lesson was completely hypothetical.  If the technology would have been available, this lesson would have been MUCH more effective and fun than the one I taught.  It required much more higher level thinking and cooperative learning.  I really wish our school had better computers and more available computers to support this technology.

Personally, I think creating this Wiki was a large workload.  I am trying to figure out whether it would save me time or not.  Although I would be doing less direct instruction, and putting learning into the students hands, the preparation for this website took a very long time.  Half of the problem was getting adjusted to using wikispaces, but a lot of the work was very tedious and monotonous.  Also, I honestly don't think this is something that would be very easy to teach kids.  I still am not very efficient with wikispaces.  Maybe I am just not good with technology (which is true to an extent), but I also think that this webpage was not the most user friendly.

Below are some examples of technology I used for the wiki.  

Technology Integration:

1.) Application-Students will create a quiz via GoogleDoc.  They will be expected to create a 10 question quiz that shows evidence of higher level thinking and efficient understanding of the subject.  Students will also be expected to create a Voki.  

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    My name is Wayne Nieman.  I will be teaching AYA Social Studies.


    December 2012
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    Personal Learning Networks