1.) The first website visited was ISTE (International society of Technology in Education).  The website provides many different resources for teachers trying impliment technology into the classroom.  The website provides journals and books to help teachers.  Teachers can also visit NING, a social media website for teachers with blogs, videos and other resources.

The site also provides online standards for students and teachers

Student Standards:
  • Demonstrate creativity and innovation- creative thinking, developing innovative products and processes using technology, creating original works as a means of personal/group expression
  • Communicate and collaborate- using digital media to communicate and work collaboratively- developing cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures- contribute to project teams
  • Conduct research and use information- locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media
  • Think critically, solve problems, and make decisions- identify authentic problems and significant questions for investigation, identify solutions and make informed decisions
  • Dual citizenship- practice safe, legal, responsible use of information and technology, and personal responsibility for lifelong learning
  • Use technology effectively and productively- select and use applications effectively and productively, transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

Teacher Standards

  • Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
  • Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessment
  • Model digital-age work and learning
  • Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
  • Engage in professional growth and leadership

2.) The second area researched was the Ohio technology standards.  They are according to the Ohio Department of Education website.  They are as follows:

  • Understand the nature of technology
  • Recognize the interactions between society, environment and technology, also the history of technology
  • Learn how to operate and use technology
  • Use technology to communicate with multiple audiences,  share info and enhance learning
  • Use internet and technology to expand knowledge (information literacy)
  • Problem-solving strategies
  • Understand technology’s products, services, future and career connections

3.) The third area researched was Ohio Etech.  As a teacher, it is very important that you stay up to date with teaching practices.  Teaching practices have changed so much over years, that teachers must always be keeping up with current standards.  An effective teacher attends workshops and does research on how to implement technology into the classroom.  This website helps teachers do that.  There is a conference held every year in Columbus for teachers, and grants offered for teachers.

4.) The final area of study was about netiquette.  Netiquette refers to online ethics.  Every school has an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) which helps define appropriate internet use.  Students must be safe online.  The internet is a playground for predators, identity thieves, hackers, and bullies.  While using the internet, students must be sure to not sent SPAM, be selective with posts, and avoid cyber bullying.

12/7/2012 11:53:45 pm

You did a nice job listing all of the standards and explaining them.


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    My name is Wayne Nieman.  I will be teaching AYA Social Studies.


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