The focus of class this week was on fun web tools.  Web tools are a various range of websites that can be used to facilitate learning, ease planning, help with grading, and more.  While searching around the internet and experimenting with various web tools, I was able to find a few that are very useful.

The first web tool that I found important was paperrater.com.  This is a website that can be helpful for both students and teachers.  As an educator, teaching your students how to use this website could dramatically improve the quality of their work.  The website provides a grammar and spell check, as well as an option for writing suggestions.  All students have to do is submit their assignment to the website, and it will perform these functions for free.  For teachers, it offeres a plagiarism check, to ensure that students are creating their own work.  Often, when students are conducting research, they have a habit to "borrow" what other people say.  This website will help students avoid that.

Another useful website I found was digitalvaults.org.  This website is very useful in the content area of social studies.  This website has a vast archive of historical information and artifacts, very much like the archives at a local library.  By conducting research on this website, students can create short historical movies.

Freeinfosociety.com is one of the last websites I explored, but probably my favorite.  It is highly tied to the social studies content, and could be very useful in a history or government class.  The website contains a large supply of media, including historical speeches, e-books, and historical articles.  Students could use this website easily to conduct research for a class experiment.

11/9/2012 11:35:40 pm

Good post. You did a good job relating this material to your classroom.


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    My name is Wayne Nieman.  I will be teaching AYA Social Studies.


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