To be honest (and I hope no one takes this offensively), I had mixed emotions about my experience in my UA Ed Tech class.  First, I would like that state that all of the resources taught and shared with me have POTENTIAL to be very helpful.  They make learning fun, different, applicable to real life, and most importantly it allows students to work at their own pace.  For all of the tools I have been shown, I am very grateful.  I also enjoyed working with many web 2.0 tools and especially learning about the different things that can be done with Google.  

I also had some negative feelings toward this class.  I think that teaching how to implement technology into the classroom was preached so heavily that it denounced and harshly criticized teachers who do not or can not use these tools in their class.  I was in a situation during my student teaching where technology was EXTREMELY limited (my classroom was given an outdated overhead projector), and the technology that we had was not up to date.  Using technology heavily in the classroom is a tremendous idea, don't think that I'm saying its not.  But teachers have to make use of the resources they are given.  There are plenty of effective, caring, and fun teachers in the world who use other methods.

Now that I have that off of my chest, I would like to state this....I would love to have as much technology in my classroom as possible.  I will do everything I can for this to happen.  And when the day comes, I will use this technology effectively.  Computers will not simply be used as word processors, or high tech typewriters.  Students will not just write essays and PRINT them out, when they can be submitted online.  Students will learn how to effectively use the technology.  This will make my classroom fun, a center of higher learning, and a place where students learn many skills that have real life applications.  Looking back at my original thoughts of this class, I stated that I had mixed emotions about taking this class.  I obviously did not want to take a Saturday morning class, along with my student teaching.  I also was not very interested in technology.  My interest has changed.  There have been so many amazing tools shown to me, that it would be a wasted if they were not used in the future.  I especially love GoogleDocs, Google Scholar, and Instagrok.

If you have not yet, check out MY WIKISPACE and the TeachersForTomorrow page

12/16/2012 10:09:14 am

I hear you. I have a feeling this will be a post on TFT for me real soon. I was disappointed during the final class, because I got it. Thanks for being honest and I hope you do not think I was attaching other methods, I just believe in the power of technology to change teaching and learning. Keep in touch and good luck.


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    My name is Wayne Nieman.  I will be teaching AYA Social Studies.


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